Thursday, February 15, 2007

Belated BIRTHDAY post.

I am a walking paradox. Born under the sign of water, I can’t even tweak my arms and stretch a decent freestyle. Well.. at least I can float! Harhar! So I figured, I will never ever receive a boat on my birthday (dream on girl!) haha! Lucky for me, as a birthday treat, husband gave me a new baby that goes by the came of Carrie, which pronounced itself on the world of arts through the immortalization of Herb (wink). Thankiieee!!!


hlF said...

huh? di ba carol yun? hehehe...

raqueLLe said...

carol model nya, pero we named it after carrie since yung Tsukuplate nya ay sakli na bday ni carrie! :P

inK.M.P./Mitsuru said...


nice beetle, huh?
which reminds me of my "herbie" in the 80s. :)

p.s. care to link up?

raqueLLe said...

hmm it looks a like a beetle in the drawing but its actually a mazda carol. cool name for herbie!